
This book describes the basics of electronics, basic semiconductor physics and from there diving into analog and radio-frequency electronics. Presenting only the basics, I am very sorry to inform you that many interesting aspects of electronics are not dealt with in this book. These include digital electronics in all its facets, mixed signal (analog+digital) circuit and system design and system partitioning, and fundamental inaccuracy issues due to noise, spread and other limitations imposed by physics.

The current version of this book is actually the seventh version in proper English. The original version was in Dutch, and included contributions of Arnoud van der Wel and Rien van Leeuwen; the cover photo is by Bram Nauta. After moving to English for a number of bachelor programs at the University of Twente, this book was translated to something vaguely resembling English by Yoeri Bruinsma, probably extensively using Babelfish. The year after, a bunch of Lian Xi study tour students did a pretty good job in translating the stonecole English to readable English. Many thanks to the students in the Electronics courses, that try to spot flaws in the book, for which I consequently had to arrange a few “Im(nottoo)sorrythatimade100typingerrorsinthebookfreedrinksevent”s.

I am pretty sure that this book will be updated in the future. Firstly according to Murphy’s law there will be some stray typos or weird translations. Secondly I ran out of time checking and correcting stuff. Thirdly I tend to update parts in the book irregularly, which may introduce new typos. Anyway, I sincerely hope you will learn a lot and that you will enjoy the very interesting and world-shaping field of electronics.


Anne-Johan Annema

Electrical Engineering

University of Twente