Exercise 5.2 A weird degenerated amplifier with an NPN


An answer:
Bias = DC , C = open, L = short and assume V BE 0.6V


IC = βfeIB IB = V CC V B RB V B = (1 + 1 βfe ) ICRE + 0.6V IB = V CC (1 + 1 βfe ) ICRE 0.6V RB IC = βfe V CC (1 + 1 βfe ) ICRE 0.6V RB

This requires some rewriting: separation of variables to get a closed expression for IC:

IC (1 + (1 + βfe)RE RB ) = βfe(V CC 0.6V ) RB IC = βfe(V CC 0.6V ) RB (1 + (1+βfe)RE RB ) = βfe(V CC 0.6V ) RB + (1 + βfe)RE


An answer:
The voltage drop across L1 is zero (short at DC), so V C = V CC. Or you can see it directly from the equivalent circuit for operation at DC in the previous answer.


An answer:
A common emitter circuit (CEC)


An answer:
You can ignore the output impedance of the transistor as long as it is significantly higher than other impedances at the relevant node (collector). In this case that means that ZL1 << Zout,BJT for signal frequencies.


An answer:
Set DC sources to 0 (in this circuit that is only V CC). Assume that the values of reactances for which no values are specified are large. Note that in this exercise you have to retain Cin and C1! This allows to replace them by shorts or opens: L1 open, CE short, Cout short.

SSEC of the BJT (including B/C/E node identifiers)


Indicate vin and vout and redraw. Again: you should (see the description of the circuit) not replace Cin, C1 by shorts!



An answer:
In this answer, the output port is driven from an independent voltage source driving the output port. The other independent sources need to be set to zero. The corresponding small signal equivalent circuit is given below. This will be used to derive zout = vout iout .


zout = vout iout iout = iL1 + gmvbe vbe = 0 iL2 = vout L1 zout = vout iout = L1


An answer:
Using the SSEC from question e) to calculate the voltage gain av = vout vin can be done as follows.


This SSEC can be simplified by capturing C1 and βfegm into one impedance

ZB = βfe gm 1 C1 βfe gm + 1 C1 = βfe gm 1+C1βfe gm

A derivation can be done as shown below:

av = vout vin vout = iL1L1 iL1 = gmvbe vbe = vB vB = ZB ZB + ZCin vin

Now back substitution leads to the/an answer:

vB = ZB ZB + ZCin vin = βfe gm 1+C1βfe gm βfe gm 1+C1βfe gm + 1 Cin vin = Cinβfe gm 1 + βfe gm (C1 + Cin) vin

vout = gmvB L1 = L1gm Cinβfe gm 1 + βfe gm (C1 + Cin) vin av = vout vin = ()2βfeL1Cin 1 + βfe gm (C1 + Cin) = ()2βfeL1Cin 1 + βfe gm (C1 + Cin)