Exercise 11.3 Impedances from reactances

In physical realizations of RF circuits, capacitors with some kind of leads are used. The capacitor value is C, the length of the lead wires is l mm on each side of the capacitor. Assume that the inductance per length is L = 2nHmm.


Derive an equation for the impedance of the capacitor with wires, Zcap(), at (radian) frequency ω.
Assuming that C = 50pF and lead wires of 1 cm at each side of the capacitor. Derive the impedance of the capacitor with wires at 100 MHz.
Derive the value of the apparent —or net — capacitance of the 50 pF capacitor with 1 cm wires in the previous question, at 100 MHz.
Draw the impedance of the base capacitor, and of the total wire length in the impedance plane (2-dimensional, Re(Z)) on the x-axis, Im(Z) on the y-axis. From this construct the net capacitance graphically.
Derive the value of the apparent —or net — capacitance of a 10 pF capacitor with 1 cm wires in the previous question, at 100 MHz.
Derive the value of the apparent —or net — capacitance of a 1 nF capacitor with 1 cm wires in the previous question, at 100 MHz.
Assuming that the target net capacitance is 100 pF and that lead wires are 1 cm on each side, derive the capacitance value (without leads) required to get that 100 pF, again at 100 MHz.