Exercise 11.2 What the wire?

In physical realizations of RF circuits, resistors with some kind of leads are used. The resistor value is R, the length of the lead wires is l mm on each side of the resistor. Assume that the inductance per length is L = 2nHmm.


Derive an equation for the impedance of the resistor with wires, Zres(), at (radian) frequency ω.
Assuming that R = 100Ω and lead wires of 2cm at each side of the resistor. Derive the maximum frequency to keep the impedance |Zres()| < 2R.
Derive the impedance of a resistor with a nominal R = 100Ω and lead wires of 2cm at each side at the upper limit of the audible audio range, at 20 kHz.
Assuming that R = 100Ω and lead wires with length l at each side of the resistor. Derive the lead wire length to get the impedance |Zres()| < 2R at 20 kHz.