Exercise 7.5 Stability and phase marging

To build a stabilized power supply we may use the circuit below to regulate V DD down to vOUT . We assume M1 works in saturation and that this transistor has infinite output resistance.


To analyze the basic functionality of the circuit, at first we assume the opamp is ideal: rin = , rout = 0, A = . For this situation, derive an expression for vOUT .

For non-ideal opamps in feedback configurations, stability may be an issue. A more accurate model of the opamp is having both finite gain and limited bandwidth, leading to an opamp gain described by: A() = A0(1 + jωτ). This model is to be used for questions (b)-(d).

Derive an expression for the unity-gain bandwidth of this opamp in [Hz]. You may assume that A0 1.
Derive an expression for the small signal loop gain.

Now let’s assume that we dimension R1, R2, Cout and gm1 in such a way that the unloaded regulator is stable and its loop has sufficient phase margin.

An external current source draws a positive DC output current IOUT out of the regulator. How does this influence the phase margin? Illustrate with either an analytical proof or with a Bode plot.