Exercise 9.5 A 3-stage oscillator with NPNs

The circuit below is an harmonic oscillator, consisting of three identical stages. The transistors can be assumed to have infinite current gain βfe and infinite output resistance. Furthermore, you may use the numerical values kT q = 25mV and q kT = 40V 1 in your expressions.


Derive an equation for the small signal voltage gain of a single stage.
Show that the small-signal open-loop gain can be written as AOL (40V CC24 1+jωRC ) 3.
Derive an expression for the oscillation frequency fosc.
Derive an expression for the supply voltage V CC for stable oscillation.
Explain what happens:
if V CC is lower than what is derived in c),
and if V CC is higher than what is derived in c).
If we build the same circuit with 4, 5 or 6 identical stages (BJT+R+C), which of these can also be harmonic oscillators (with V CC adjusted accordingly to enable potential harmonic oscillation) and which cannot? Explain/prove/illustrate your answer for each number of stages.