Exercise 9.4 A 3-stage RC-phase shift oscillator

The circuit schematic below shows the circuit of an RC phase shift oscillator. In this circuit you can assume that the RC sections hardly influence each other because C1 = 10 C2 = 100 C3 and R1 = R2 10 = R3 100. You may assume that there is no influence whatsoever as simplification.


Derive an expression for the voltage transfer of the feedback network β consisting of the three RC stages (that is from the output of the amplifier to the input of the amplifier).
Draw a Bode plot (magnitude and phase) of the feedback network.
Derive an expression for the oscillation frequency fosc or the radian oscillation frequency ωosc.
Derive an expression for the amplifier gain A needed for harmonic oscillation.
Draw a polar plot of Aβ and indicate relevant angular frequencies ω = 0, ω , and ω = ωosc.