Exercise 10.1 A Colpitts oscillator


An answer:



An answer:
The loop gain equals 1; this is used in the derivations below.


An answer:
The loop gain equals 1 at the oscillation frequency. This oscillation frequency follows from equating the loop gain to a real value. To derive the loop gain: the best way is to cut the loop inside an abstract controlled block. In this schematic the only abstract controlled block is the SSEC of the transistor.

Aloop = V B V E vbe = vE vbe vE = iE ZA(defining ZA = Zc1R) iE = gm vbe + vout vE ZC2 vout = iEZL iE = gm vbe iEZL ZC2 vE ZC2 = gm vbe vE ZC2 1 + ZL ZC2 = gm vbeZC2 vE ZC2 + ZL vE = (gm vbeZC2 vE ZC2 + ZL ) ZA = gm vbeZC2 ZC2 + ZL ZA vE ZC2 + ZL ZA = gm vbeZC2 ZC2 + ZL ZA 1 + ZA ZC2+ZL = vbe gm ZAZC2 ZC2 + ZL + ZA Aloop = gm ZAZC2 ZC2 + ZL + ZA

At oscillation, this Aloop 1 which can be expanded as e.g.:

gm Zc1R Zc1+RZC2 = ZC2 + ZL + Zc1R Zc1 + R gm R 1+jωRC1 1 C2 = 1 C2 + jωL + R 1 + jωRC1 gm R = (1 + jωRC1) + jωL (1 + jωRC1) (C2) + R (C2)

Collecting the imaginary terms and equating these to zero yield

ωosc2 = C1 + C2 C1C2L ωosc = C1 + C2 C1C2L


An answer:
Recycling the previously found equations for loop gain, and equating that to 1 at ω = ωosc (note that this implies that you only have to take the real terms into account) this yields:

gmR = ωosc2C 1L 1 gm = C1 RC2