Exercise 9.1 AN RC-phase shift oscillator


An answer:
This 3 stages consist of a unity gain voltage buffer that each have their own C-R high-pass section:


The signal transfer of each voltage buffer preceded by a CR-high pass is:

H() = R R + 1 jωC = jωRC 1 + jωRC

An answer:

With the previous answer, the signal transfer function for the 3 cascaded sections is:

vz vout = ( jωRC 1 + jωRC )3 = jωRC 1 + jωRC jωRC 1 + jωRC jωRC 1 + jωRC = jω3(RC)3 (1 + jωRC) (1 + 2jωRC ω2(RC)2) = jω3(RC)3 1 + 3jωRC 3ω3(RC)2 jω3(RC)3 = jω3(RC)3 {1 3ω2(RC)2} + j(3ωRC ω3(RC)3)

An answer:



An answer:
Node x. From the Bode pot for the 3 cascaded stages it follows that for oscillation at a finite non-zero frequency, the gain of the leftmost (amplifying) stage must be negative. There is just one (radian) frequency at which ∠H() = ±180; hence there is no need to check whether other frequencies would be more favourable for oscillation.


An answer:

1 3ωosc2(RC)2 = 0 ωosc2 = 1 3(RC)2 ωosc = 1 3RC

An answer:

vz vout (ωosc = 1 3RC ) = j ( 1 3RC ) 3(RC)3 j (3 ( 1 3RC ) RC ( 1 3RC ) 3(RC)3)) = ( 1 3)3 { 3 3 ( 1 3)3} = 1 33 3 3 1 33 = 1 8

The voltage gain of the leftmost gain stage must equal -8. For an opamp in negative feedback configuration then β = 8.