Exercise 4.10 Basic amplifiers with an NPN and an NMOS transistor


An answer:
av = gmRC gm = 40 IC IC = V RC RC

from which it follows that the maximum achievable (absolute) voltage gain is

|av| = 40 V RC

which is directly determined by (and limited by) the supply voltage. Note that the 40 = qkT 40 at room temperature; at low temperatures this factor is higher.


An answer:
Using the square law: av = gmRD gm = 2KID ID = V RD RD

from which it follows that the maximum achievable (absolute) voltage gain is

|av| = 2K V RD RD RD = 2KRD V RD

From which it follows that for maximum (absolute) voltage gain, the K and the RD should be as large as possible and consequently the ID should be set very low. There seems to be no limit to these which would indicate that |av| can be set arbitrarily high.


An answer:
For the MOS question, you probably used the square law. This square low is not valid for vGS V T < kTq as then a different operation region is entered: moderate inversion (MI) or even weak inversion (WI). Weak inversion is ignored in this course: there the MOS transistor is modelled as being ”off”. Moderate inversion is not dealt with in this book as it is a transition region between strong inversion (square law) and the (here neglected) weak inversion region. This simplification for the MOS element equations makes derivation (results) for which vGS V T < kTq far from realistic. Including MI and WI equations would show that MOS amplifiers end up at lower gain than for the bipolar case.