Exercise 6.7 Does this filter something?


An answer:
The feedback loop gain contains only the opamp and a resistive divider; resistive dividers do not add any gain to the loop. Unity gain stable opamps are defined to be stable for any passive (attenuating) feedback network that provides zero phase shift, the limit being unity feedback.

So this circuit should be stable.


An answer:

H() = vout vin vout = v + R3 iR3 iR3 = v vin R2 A v = v+ v = v+ = vin 1 1 + R1C vout = vin 1 1 + R1C (1 + R3 R2) vin R3 R2 H() = (1 + R3 R2)( 1 1 + R1C) R3 R2 = 2 1 + R1C 1   ; when R2 = R3


An answer:
Towards a standard form:

H() = vo vi = 2 1 + R1C 1 = 2 1 + R1C 1 + R1C 1 + R1C = 1 R1C 1 + R1C

Or if you do not like the term, you could rewrite into

H() = 1 + (ωR1C)2 (1 + R1C)2

The Bode plot is shown below. From the relations above you can directly derive that the modulus of the gain is unity, and that the phase is between 0° and 180°.

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